Easy Ways to Avoid Broken Keys in Knob Locks

10 August 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Knob locks are usable on a wide range of doors such as bedroom, front and garage doors. These locks come with knobs or handles. When you shift the positon of the handle or knob, it releases the latch bolt from the door's frame. Before you can do this, however, you need a key to release the deadbolt (which secures the door against unauthorised entry unlike the latch bolt) from the door's frame. Read More 

Garage Door Security Tips To Prevent Break-Ins

15 July 2016
 Categories: , Blog

When a burglar is unable to break into your house through the front door, they are likely going to try your garage door. Even if you do not have valuable equipment in your garage, the connecting door between it and your house can act as an access point for burglars to enter your house.  The best way to keep your garage and home safe is by securing your garage door. Try these tips to secure your garage door and deter thieves from breaking into your home. Read More 

Security Compromised | 3 Signs Signifying Home Lock Tampering

11 July 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Have you ever returned home to the feeling that your home's locks have been tampered with, but you're not quite sure? You're not the only one! Reading the signs of potential home lock tampering can be difficult when you don't know what you're looking for. Luckily, this guide aims to help you identify the signs of home lock tampering. If you notice any of them, get your locksmith to upgrade your locking systems in order to prevent future break-ins. Read More 

What a Car Locksmith Will Probably Need to Know When You Call

27 June 2016
 Categories: , Blog

When you need to call an auto locksmith, of course they will need to know the make, model, and year of your car, as well as your location and if this is an emergency or your visit can wait. If your car's lock is not working but you're at home and can wait, a locksmith may schedule another, more urgent call ahead of yours. However, along with this basic information, note a few other details they may need to know and why they need to know it, so you can ensure you have everything ready for them before you pick up the phone. Read More 

Safe and Secure: How to Fit a Deadbolt Lock

20 June 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Every homeowner is concerned about the security of their property. The first line of defence against intruders are the doors on your home and the locks which secure them. Low quality locks can put you at risk of burglary. Deadbolt locks offer fantastic protection and security. Below is a brief guide to the process of installing a deadbolt lock. Place the Lock When installing a new lock, it is vital that it is properly placed on the door. Read More